Choosing The Appropriate Amount Of Weight And Reps

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A full summary of this routine is at the bottom of this page.

1st Sequence:

Multi-Joint Band & Disc Warm-Up

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*Switch feet every 10 repetitions (reps), doing a total of 10 reps standing on a singular foot.

*The farther away from the anchor you stand, the more difficult the resistance will be

  1. 10 lat push-downs 
  2. 10 high bicep curls
  3. 10 tricep press downs (you may need to move a little closer to lighten the resistance)
  4. 10 rear delt flys 

Turn around and begin on new foot

  1. 20 chest presses
  2. 20 overhead tricep extensions

Face sideways to the anchor

  1. 16-20 truck rotations facing in either direction 

2nd Sequence:

Side Lunge - Lateral Shoulder Raises

Tricep Dips

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  • Side Lunge - Lateral Shoulder Raises: Side Lunge sitting hips straight back and down into onto left leg, right heel on slider (or in sock) stretching leg off to the right, arms framing right leg holding weights with arms extended toward the ground.  Rise back while simultaneously extending weights out into a "T" to come to standing, then lower arms back down as you sink back down into side-lunge again. *Caution: don't let your hips move to the side thats sliding, you'll risk straining your groin. : 3-8 Lb. | 6-12 Reps sitting into left leg: 3-8 Lb. | 8-16 Repetitions or "Reps." 
  • Tricep Dips: Sit on step or riser and place hands on step sung next to your hips, elbows pointing straight back behind you.  Keep collar bone broad as you slip your hips off of the edge of the riser and bend elbows to no-more than 90 degrees-lowering hips toward the ground. Press down into the riser to press yourself back up-straightening your arms and repeat10-20 Reps. (Exercise may also be performed on the floor in Reverse Tabletop)
  • Repeat lunges sitting into right leg, matching the same amount of wight and Reps. as done 1st time.

3rd Sequence:

Reverse Lunge-Shoulder Press-Knee Raise

Cobra Pushups

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  • Reverse Lunge-Shoulder Press-Knee Raise: Step back onto the ball of the right foot as you bend both knees to 90 degrees; keeping your knee cap lining up with the mid-line of your foot. Don't let the front knee exceed the toe. Shift your weight back into the front leg; as you step up drawing your right knee up-bent to 90 degrees in the air, then step back again to repeat and continue: 5-10 Lb. | 8-16 Reps
  • Cobra Pushups: Lie on belly, legs about hip-width apart, hips pressing into the ground, hands in line with rib cage right next to your body on the ground and elbows pointing straight back behind you. Contract your biceps in order to keep elbows hugging body.  Before pressing into your hands to come up from the strength of your "back-body" as you lift your upper-body to Cobra. Keep shoulders from shrugging up toward ears.  Lower down slowly and repeat to complete set.: 10-20 Reps.  Note: To prevent shoulder issues, do not press yourself up when your shoulder caps are closer to the floor than your elbows.  Use the strength of your core/back to float your upper body shoulders away from the ground before pressing hands into the ground to rise up.
  • Repeat Lunge Press stepping back with left leg, matching the same amount of weight and Reps. as done 1st time.  

4th Sequence:

Slow And Steady Step-Ups

Sit With 1 Leg - Stand With 2 Legs

Optional: Sit AND Stand with 1 Leg

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  • Requires a thurough explaination so Reference Video
  • Slow and Steady Step-Ups: 5 Reps
  • Sit w/ 1 Stand w/ 2: 5 Reps
  • Sit and Stand w/ 1 leg: 5 Reps

5th Sequence:

Inner-Fire Abs

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  • Perform all of the following back to back without stopping ;o)
  • Legs straight up in the air crunch: 15 Reps
  • Air Chair: 10 Seconds
  • Crocodile Crunches: 10 Reps
  • Knee Tuck/Extend Crunches: 10 Reps
  • Bicycles: 20

Closing Stretches

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  • Hug Knees
  • Happy Baby
  • Supine Tricep Stretch - Eagle Arms
  • Supine Splits
  • Half Frog
  • Prone Chest Stretch
  • Pigeon 
  • Roll over on back and repeat other side


1st Sequence:

Multi-Joint Band & Disc Warm-Up

2nd Sequence: 

Side Lunge - Lateral Shoulder Raises 

Tricep Dips

3rd Sequence: 

Reverse Lunge-Shoulder Press-Knee Raise 

Cobra Pushups

4th Sequence:

Slow And Steady Step-Ups 

Sit With 1 Leg - Stand With 2 Legs

Optional: Sit AND Stand with 1 Leg

5th Sequence: 

Inner-Fire Abs