Choosing The Appropriate Amount Of Weight And Reps
A full summary of this routine is listed at the bottom of this page.
1st Sequence Warm-Up:
Tornado Lunges -> Standing Half Pigeon
5 Slider Inchworms
Rag Doll -> Sunrise-Sunsets -> Open Heart Utkatasana -> Rag Doll
Tornado Lunges: 5 Reps on each side finishing in Standing Half Pigeon on each side. Reference video.
Inchworms: Swan Dive down to Forward Fold -> Inchworm backward walking or sliding feet to Plank -> Walk hands backward to Forward Fold -> Reverse Swan Dive -> Swan Dive -> Walk hands out to Plank -> Inchworm forward walking or sliding feet to Forward Fold -> Repeat Swan Dives: 5 Reps (sliders opt.)
Sunrise-Sunsets: From Rag-Doll, arms interlaced, bend right knee as you rotate your spine to face heart slightly forward and lead with the left side of your heart to roll up to standing-arms stay interlaced over head-> bend left knee and roll back down the left side turning your heart towards your thighs as you return to Forward Fold. Repeat leading in the opposite direction: 5 Reps
Open Heart Utkatasana: From mountain sweep arms up into sky, snow angel arms down and interlace hands behind back as you sit back and down into imaginary chair. Keep knees behind toes. Hold for 3 deep breaths then keep your hands interlaced as you lift your hips and bow forward into Rag-Doll with hands still interlaced behind back to stretch shoulders.
2nd Sequence:
Side-Lunge <->Bicep Curls
Low-Lunge <-> Half-Splits Flow
Side-Plank <-> Push-Up Flow
Childs Pose Lat-Pull Drags
Side-Lunge <->Bicep Curls: Side-Lunge sitting hips straight back and down onto left leg, right heel on slider (or in socks) stretching leg off to the right with arms framing Left leg, holding weights-arms extended toward the ground. Curl weights as your rise back up and drag foot back in. *Caution: don't let your hips move to the side thats sliding, you'll risk straining your groin. : 3-8 Lb. | 6-12 Reps
Mod. Crescent Lunge <-> Half-Splits Flow>Mod. Crescent Lunge w/ Right forward, flow back and forth from Half-Splits to Mod. Crescent Lunge: 5 Reps.
From Mod. Crescent Lunge, place Left hand on floor inside right foot and step Right foot back as your stack your Right hip and shoulder on top of the Left to come into Modified Side-Plank.
Side-Plank <-> Push-Up Flow: From Side-Plank slowly lower Right knee and hand to ground to come into Modified Plank to perform a Chaturanga push-up (no up-dog) before opening up into Side-Plank to the Left, stacking Left hip and shoulder on top of Right. Repeat this back and forth: 2 Reps facing in each direction. Repeat this sequence leading with the Left leg forward.
Childs Pose Lat-Pull Drags Knees on Sliders:20 Reps. (if you have limited space, drag as far as you can and turn around to continue OR Pull yourself forward and Push yourself back repeatedly.)
3rd Sequence:
Bridge Skull-Crushers
Easy Boat Bicep-Curls
Deadlift-Rows: with arms extended holding bands, keep shins perpendicular to the floor (knees above ankles) sit back and down with a slight "Cow Pose Spine", Press the ground away with feet to stand as you draw elbows back on the way up.: Heavy Band | 12-20 Reps.
Skull-Crushers: lying with head and shoulders on disc an hips lifted in bridge, reach weights up into the sky; bend elbows to lower weights down to temples keeping your upper arms still-elbows hovering above shoulder caps. Extend arms back up into the sky, repeat: 5-12 Lb. | 12-20 Reps. Bicep Curls: Sit on disc. Keep elbows from falling behind your back as you lower weights down toward the ground and slightly forward, then curl weights up to shoulder caps and repeat: 5-12 Lb. | 12-20 Reps
4th Sequence:
Legs-Up Disc Crunches
Opposite Knee to Elbow Disc Crunches
Angle Sit-Ups on Disc
Legs-Up Disc Crunches: Place Disc against sacrum and lie back, hands supporting head, butt on ground, lift knees up to 90 degrees with belly button drawn in toward spine to perform crunches: 10-20 Reps.
Opposite Knee to Elbow Disc Crunches: Maintain the same spinal alignment on Disc as described above. One knee bent with foot on floor, one leg extended hovering above ground. Crunch diagonally as you draw that extended leg in toward the opposite elbow and extend back out. 10-20 Reps. on each side.
Angle Sit-Ups on Disc: Maintain the same spinal alignment on Disc as described above. Press souls of feet together and let knees fall apart, arms extended out in front of chest-interlace fingers releasing the index fingers. Sit up slowly reaching fingers up to sky and slowly lower back down.
Closing Stretches
Butterfly Stretch
Right leg forward in Low-Lunge -> Elbow hook right knee to come into Revolved Low-Lunge
Straighten Right leg and place hand inside of right foot for Revolved Gate Pose
Down Dog
Repeat above on Left Side
Childs Pose
1st Sequence Warm-Up:
Tornado Lunges -> Standing Half Pigeon
5 Slider Inchworms
Rag Doll -> Sunrise-Sunsets -> Open Heart Utkatasana -> Rag Doll
2nd Sequence:
Side-Lunge <->Bicep Curls
Low-Lunge <-> Half-Splits Flow
Side-Plank <-> Push-Up Flow
Childs Pose Lat-Pull Drags
3rd Sequence:
Bridge Skull-Crushers
Easy Boat Bicep-Curls
4th Sequence:
Legs-Up Disc Crunches
Opposite Knee to Elbow Disc Crunches
Angle Sit-Ups on Disc