Choosing The Appropriate Amount Of Weight And Reps
A full summary of this routine is listed at the bottom of this page.
Yoga Grounding & Centering
Begin in Easy Pose
Seated Cat&Cow (Hands on floor or blocks behind seat (Easy Camel) <-> Hands on knees heart presses forward (Cow Spine)
Seated Twisting
Seated Side Bending
Rock & Roll to Plank
1st Sequence:
Plank -> Down Dog -> Rag-Doll -> Roll-Up
Swan Dives Off Mountain
Plank to Down Dog: 5 Reps
Walk up to meet hands in Rag-Doll (feet hip width apart)
Roll up to Mountain Pose (break it down from feet to crown)
Swan Dive: 5 Reps (finish in Mountain)
2nd Sequence:
Ballerina Squats
Pyramid Flow
Ballerina Squats: Stand on disc with Left foot - Squat into left leg and kick right leg out on the way up.
Pyramid Flow: From Mountian step Left foot back about 2ft. - maintaining Mountain in your spine and knees straight (not locked); swan dive to bow over Right leg hands to blocks or ground framing foot, reverse back up to pivot and turn around to swan dive over the Left leg. Get creative with your arms :o): 3 Reps. (finishing facing sideways - feet parallel)
Squat-Press-Leans: Feet Hip-Shoulder width apart - Squat and press up as you lean to the side on the way up.
Repeat all leading with the Left foot.
3rd Sequence: Boat w/ Bands:
Lat-Press Downs
Tricep Press-Downs
Rear-Delt Circles
Lat-Press Downs: Seated in Boat on disc, keep heart lifted and arms straight as you press bands down to the ground and slowly let them rise back up to knee height, repeat.: 12-20 Reps | Medium Bands Bicep-Curls: Reach arms up toward anchor-palms facing up. Keep elbows higher than shoulders as you curl the bands over top of your ears, then slowly extend back out, repeat.: 12-20 Reps | Medium Bands Tricep Press-Downs: Bring elbows to you sides forming 90 degrees from wrist to shoulder-heart lifted. Press bands down toward the ground beside your hips and slowly let them rise back up to 90 degrees, repeat.: 12-20 Reps | Medium Bands
Rear-Delt Circles: Remain reclined back in boat as you open arms out wide to your sides into a "T". Make small circles forward for 10 Reps, then immediately backward for 10 Reps.
4th Sequence:
Slip & Slide Abdominal
Try to perform all of the following back to back without stopping ;o)
10 Slider Tuck Crunches
10 Slider Frogs
10 Slider Pikes
10 Mountain Climbers
Closing Stretches
Childs Pose
Revolved "X" Stretch -> Supine twist
Hurdler Stretch
Knees tented for low-back traction
Reclined bound angle
Corpse Pose
Yoga Grounding & Centering
1st Sequence:
Plank -> Down Dog -> Rag-Doll -> Roll-Up
Swan Dives Off Mountain
2nd Sequence:
Ballerina Squats
Pyramid Flow
3rd Sequence: Boat w/ Bands:
Lat-Press Downs
Tricep Press-Downs
Rear-Delt Circles
4th Sequence:
Slip & Slide Abdominals