Gentle Yoga
Begin in Easy Pose
Seated Cat&Cow (Hands on floor or blocks behind seat (Easy Camel) <-> Hands on knees heart presses forward (Cow Spine)
Cactus Arms <-> Eagle Arms (bear hug)
Seated Side-Bending
Hug Knees and balance on sitting bones
Canoe -> Curl back up and Hug Knees -> Slowly rock back into Plow -> Lower butt down slowly, keep legs into the air and open legs into a straddle.
Legs in the air, curl up and reach past your legs -> wrap arms around legs -> pump heels to hips to build momentum to rock-n'-roll
Rock & Roll to Boat
Cat& Cow
Compass Rose Flow -> Bow
Down Dog -> Stretch the tops of your feet
Childs Pose -> Extend one leg out to the side to stretch groin
Closing Stretches
Childs Pose
Revolved "X" Stretch -> Supine twist
Hurdler Stretch
Knees tented for low-back traction
Reclined bound angle
Corpse Pose