Foam Roll Flow
Part 1
Roll Calves
Sit on Roller and Squeeze your butt cheeks 5 times and follow with a deep breath in and out.
Draw an infinity (sideways 8) on your butt. Up the middle-down the outsides.
Bend forward over legs and rock forward and back
Sit "lounge style" leaning onto left butt cheek, left hand behind roller on ground or block, right hand resting on right knee, right foot planted on floor with the sole of left foot against inside of right foot. Lift and lower left knee 5 times followed by a deep breath, then roll around that cheek in a circle.
Cycle Left Leg internally (clockwise)
Part 2
Place block behind roller.
Lie on Left-Side Hip-Crease (TFL) supporting yourself with your elbow -> Keep Roller stationary and roll your hip against roller-flipping from your front of your hip to the back of your hip using block to support your belly and low back.
Remove the block and rise up onto hands and roll up and down the side of your thighs as you Cycle your legs like you're peddling a bicycle.
Fallen Splits -> Knee Tuck -> Shin Rolls -> Pikes -> Roll-Out -> Hip Roll Scissors
Roll all the way out -> Fire Hydrant shin on roller hands on floor (Mod. Half Moon both hands planted of Fallen ever you see it.)
Repeat Part 1 & 2 on opposite side.
2nd Sequence:
Infinity on Back
Flipped Turtle
Boat -> Plow -> Pendant:
Infinity on Back: Place roller horizontally behind your heart. Roll Toward your head->turn toward your left shoulder and roll down your side Lat toward the bottom of your rib cage->turn back to face the sky and roll back up toward the top of your back-then turn toward your right shoulder and roll down your right side toward the bottom of your rib cage. Repeat this motion drawing an infinity on your back with the roller.: 5-10 Reps
Flipped Turtle: (no roller needed) Sit in boat holding your shins. Move very slowly to lower side-body (not shoulder) to the ground -> circle around to rise back up onto your butt, then roll down the other side-rolling around in a circle on your back. When your switch directions it will be more difficult on one side, so take your time and move very slowly again so you don't slam yourself into the floor.: 5 Reps Each Direction
Boat -> Plow -> Pendant: Reference video. From Boat, slowly roll back keeping your head off the ground to protect the neck-bring your legs with you to let your hips lift off of the ground, feet moving toward the floor behind your head but not all the way there. This is just to let your legs provide extra weight to create a compression of your back to the ground so don't take the full expression of plow. Be cautious of your neck-do NOT roll into your neck or turn your head side to side! Then, gain momentum to cross your ankles and roll back up-placing your hands on blocks-protracting your shoulders and pulling your legs up into your body and float feet in Pendant (L-Sit is optional for advanced students).: Repeat 3-5 Reps
Finish in Malasana
3rd Sequence: Arm Balance & Heart Opening Yoga Flow
Crow -> Rag-Doll -> Hands-To-Big-Toe
Mountain -> Swan-dives -> Open Hearted Utkatasana
Super-Brain Squats -> Wide Forward Fold -> Revolved Malasana
Watch Video
Crow -> Rag-Doll
Mountain -> Swan-Dives
Open Hearted Utkatasana
Super-Brain Squats
Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Revolved Malasana
4th Sequence: Core & Balancing
Twisties: 14 Reps
Balance on Disc: *Caution:take necessary modifications.* Tree -> Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe -> Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe ->Standing Half Pigeon
Ballerina Squats
Legs-Crossed Forward Fold -> Revolved Half-Moon -> Windmill around to get to the other side and repeat Legs Crossed Forward Fold on opposite side.
Rag-Doll -> Roll-Up to Mountain
Standing Orbit Meditation
Standing Orbit Medtiation