Why We Must Foam Roll
Spinal Warm-Up
Hips & Back of Legs
All stretches take place on roller
Hug Knees-Tick Tock Knees
Wind-Relieving Pose - Supine Splits
Supine Twist
Happy Baby
Butt Squeezes
Down the Back of the Leg Snow Angles
Inner Thighs & Front of Legs
Lying Prone on floor Half Frog on Roller-Bending, Extending, and Rolling
Forearms Supporting, Lying Prone to the floor with Quads on Roller-Bending, Extending, Rolling
Arms Supporting, Side of Hip on Roller-Squeezing & Releasing, Rolling, Bending and Extending
Optional: Shins on roller, Arms Supporting, Rolling up and down the front of the legs while simultaneously working abdominals with Planking Knee Tucks.
Sit in Hero's Pose, hands placed behind you to lift knees and stretch tops of feet and ankles. (option to sit on block)
Recline back into Hero's Pose or take a Hurdler Stretch
Back & Chest
Seated on roller Eagle Arms-bow forward
Fingers interlaced behind back heart opening stretch -bow forward
Reverse Table Top
Tricep Stretch
Psoas Release
Lizard Lunge
Child's Pose
Happy Baby
Knees Tented - Push thighs for traction