Begin at the Beginning....


When embarking on a fitness regimen, its very important to make sure that your body is functioning properly before asking it to move in new and more challenging ways.  Even if you are a fit and healthy individual, there is still a good chance that some of your muscles are not "firing" as they should be.  If you suffer from any kind of joint pain or excessive muscle tension, more than likely what you are experiencing is some kind of compensation; meaning muscles that are working are taking on the work of the muscles that aren't working - thereby creating misalignments and depleting your internal resources as these muscles are only designed to perform the job that are given.

Please watch all of the videos below to perform all of my routines optimally
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learn proper alignment

This video is a must watch before attempting the workouts to follow.  It will help you to understand my cues and keep you safe in your form.  Mountain pose (Tadasana) is the foundation for all of the postures, and exercises that I teach, so being sure that you feel strong and secure in your mountain pose is crucial for achieving 100% of the benefits to be delivered by practicing my methods; connecting your mind and body and making you aware of the amount of effort that should be applied to each exercise.

wake up your core

This foam rolling sequence will put an end to compensation, low back, hip, groin pain! Learn how to connect with your deepest core muscle, the psoas, and help release the muscle, wake it up, and get it firing properly. This sequence will build mobility in your spine and hips immediately and allow for proper nerve impulse to occur.


wake up your upper body

I love resistance bands for both my warmup and to use within my mindful movement workout and even before practicing yoga sometimes because they do an excellent job of warming the muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments in the specific region you are working, which allows for proper nerve impulse and muscle firing to occur.


Wake up your lower body

This balance warm-up on a stability disc will maximize any workout or yoga practice.  Stability is not only the most important to keep us from losing balance, it is also necessary to achieve complete and total global wellness on many levels.  When your practice stabilizing exercises, it helps to wake up and strengthen all of the muscles that are needed to perform exercises optimally.  This means that all of your muscles will develop equally and you will recruit the appropriate muscles when they are called upon.  
This routine is specifically great for any lower body workout or prior to a cardio routine as it not only wakes things up, it also stretches dynamically as well.  You will get your heart rate to rise, build your mobility, improve your stability, recruit all of your muscles one success is achieved, AND gain flexibility all at the same time!